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System Updates
20190128 -V45
-switch to telnyx messaging
20190111 -v44
-altered all acc mod on / off logic
-added second alert queue
-don't log initial logData - init VARIABLES
-wait for initial accmodstate update based on all initialized
20190111 -v44
-altered all acc mod on / off logic
-added second alert queue
-don't log initial logData - init VARIABLES
-wait for initial accmodstate update based on all initialized
20190111 -v44
-altered all acc mod on / off logic
-added second alert queue
-don't log initial logData - init VARIABLES
-wait for initial accmodstate update based on all initialized
20190111 -v44
-altered all acc mod on / off logic
-added second alert queue
-don't log initial logData - init VARIABLES
-wait for initial accmodstate update based on all initialized
20190111 -v44
-altered all acc mod on / off logic
-added second alert queue
-don't log initial logData - init VARIABLES
-wait for initial accmodstate update based on all initialized
20190111 -v44
-altered all acc mod on / off logic
-added second alert queue
-don't log initial logData - init VARIABLES
-wait for initial accmodstate update based on all initialized
20190111 -v44
-altered all acc mod on / off logic
-added second alert queue
-don't log initial logData - init VARIABLES
-wait for initial accmodstate update based on all initialized
20190111 -v44
-altered all acc mod on / off logic
-added second alert queue
-don't log initial logData - init VARIABLES
-wait for initial accmodstate update based on all initialized
20190111 -v44
-altered all acc mod on / off logic
-added second alert queue
-don't log initial logData - init VARIABLES
-wait for initial accmodstate update based on all initialized
20190111 -v44
-altered all acc mod on / off logic
-added second alert queue
-don't log initial logData - init VARIABLES
-wait for initial accmodstate update based on all initialized
20190111 -v44
-altered all acc mod on / off logic
-added second alert queue
-don't log initial logData - init VARIABLES
-wait for initial accmodstate update based on all initialized
20190107 -V43
-removed connected criteria from checkSetAntenna call in setup
20190104 -V41/42
-re-instated semi-automatic mode.
-removed 500ms delay in logData
20181230 -V40
-jdm20181226 switched AccModState with AccModPrefs to determine alert notification (eliminate "duplicate messages")
20181222 -V39
-removed Particle.process() ping from loop
-added ct_doorInitialized to door status update from controller
-added watchdog system.reset()
-added enabled check to acc mod ON triggers
-reenabled checkSuppressMessage - Stephanie Reed (CT276518) receiving numerous messages...
-removed reconnect logic from loop
20180928 -v38 moved serial connection and signal log below variable and function initialization in setup
-Set mode to Fully AUTOMATIC
-removed checkSuppressMessage check - causing alerts to not be sent
20180927 20180927 -V37 added checkSetAntenna - Release
20180927 -V36 added checkSetAntenna - Full release candidate
20180926 -V35 added Particle.connected() check before Particle.publish is called.
20180921 -V34 re-instated logic to ensure system initialized before sending door alerts
also re-instated ctCheckSuppressMessage check in door status change
20180905 -V33 Candidate - added ct_previousVoltage to stem false alerts.
20180726 -V32 ANT_EXERNAL explicit
20180703 -v31 suppressMessage Update final
added signal strength logging
-v30 suppressMessage update
-V29 Removed reset from wi-fi connect in setup.
changed connectionTimeout from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.
-V28 Updated reconnect procedure in loop()
Removed settings calls from setup()
15 second delay between settings calls
fixed missing bracket in loop()?
20180211 - V26 Particle Publish removed from setup()
20180210 - V25 delay after logData
20180209 - V24 ANT_EXTERNAL
20180209 - V23 candidate - fixed acc mod ligt schedule
2017XXXX - V22 system.reset if unable to reconnect to wi-fi
20171214 - V21 candidate - manual light control update
-Reset also invokes System.reset()
2017XXXX - V20 -Reset Wi-Fi on reconnect attempt
20170914 - v18 candidate - added door nickname to alerts
©2014- Coop Tender®
Please have your Customer ID handy and include it in your email message if you contact us for support. Your Customer ID may be located on the Settings page.
email: info@cooptender.com
Phone: (888) 217-1958
©2014- Coop Tender®
Please note: the Foscam and WansView cameras which integrate with this app have been discontinued by the respective manufacturers and have been replaced by cameras which utilize a video streaming technology which is not compatible with this web app. If you already have a camera setup, you may continue using it in this web app. Otherwise, we have discontinued camera integration as of 2017. The cameras available today have their own app and web interface which you may use to view your live video feed. Switch to this web app when you wish to operate or monitor your door.
©2014- Coop Tender®